Charity Standards
People very often ask....'What sort of Charity are you and how
do I know what my money is being used for'
Lets see if we can help you with some answers.
What sort of
Charity are we:
Basically we are a non profit making organisation. Our Objectives
are to 'Advance the education of the public in the field of horticulture
and other gardening skills, primarily but not exclusively to promote
the education and training of individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds
and individuals with learning difficulties and physical or other
The Charity is governed by four Trustees which meet four times a
year to review the activities of the Charity and authorise future
developments as proposed by the employed Manager. The day-to-day
running of the Charity is in the hands of the Manager and the unpaid
Secretary who is responsible for maintaining the records of the
Charity and the general governance. The Trustees present their report
together with the financial statements of the Charity for each year
end. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the
accounting policies and comply with the Charities Memorandum and
Articles of Association and applicable law.
All of which can be viewed on the
Charity Commission web site.
How do you know what your donation will be spent on:
As Manager of The Walled Garden Project, part of my job role is
to research possible funding routes.
We will only apply for funding assistance when
there is a need; this may be for a particular item (capital) for
ongoing costs, such as salaries (revenue). Or for a complete development
project (capital and revenue) When
we are successful in securing a funding bid this money is then 'ringfenced'
and CANNOT be spent on anything other than its intended purpose
as per the application. Most large grant making charities will want
to see evidence of the spending and to this end
we may compile a photographic
diary as proof or invite them to visit us and see first hand where
their money has been spent.
The Walled Garden Project team of Trustees, Staff, Volunteers
and friends are very proactive in organising a variety of fund raising
events throughout the year. People can also donate through our 'Virgin
Money Giving' link that is available on all our web pages (NB Virgin
retain 2% of the total donated to cover administration) they also
claim on our behalf any gift aid. The money raised in these instances
are classed as 'Unringfenced' which enables us to spend the money
at the discretion of The Manager and Trustees.
As you can imagine the search is on most of
the time. We are always grateful for any donations large
or small and we can assure you all monies will be used for
the good of the public who use the Walled Garden Project. We strongly
believe in transparency, promoting public trust and confidence and
meeting our legal requirements.
If you would like to find out more about The Walled Garden Project
and perhaps pay us a visit, then please do get in touch through
our contact page. We would be happy to show you around and answer
any further questions you may have.